Top 5 oldest active college football players of 2023 feat. Bo Nix, Matt Ganyard andmore

The five college football players on this list are proof that age doesn't matter. Moreover, the players here are from almost all divisions of college football, including divisions 1, 2 and 3. 70% Win

The five college football players on this list are proof that age doesn't matter. Moreover, the players here are from almost all divisions of college football, including divisions 1, 2 and 3.

Top 5 active oldest college football players

#5 - Bo Nix, Oregon

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70% Win


70% Win


70% Win


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As of the 2023 season, Oregon star QB Bo Nix is currently 23 years old. He's the younger players on this list, but the fact remains that he's spent more time in college than most.

His fourth (and supposed to be final) college football season was last year. He had even received his degree from Auburn (where he played before Oregon) but returned for the 2023 season to play for the Ducks due to a nameless NCAA ruling.

The rule states that any player who played during the COVID-19-shortened 2020 season is eligible for another full year of CFB action. Nix checks the box and is therefore in the team and on our list.

#4 - Jordy Sandy, TCU

TCU senior Jordy Sandy, the fourth name on our list, is currently 29 years old. As reported by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Sandy, much like Nix, also has a degree.

Sandy hails from Australia and currently plays punter for the TCU Horned Frogs. He came to the United States in 2019 on a scholarship from TCU. He was also the best punter to come out of Australia (via 247Sports). He most likely acquired all his skills from the ProKick Australia program.

So far, he's earned Second Team All-Big 12 honors and the Ray Guy Award during his time with the Horned Frogs.

#3 - Hugh Robertson, Illinois

Robertson is also a punter for the Illinois Fighting Illini. At 30 years old, he is the third name on our list. By sheer coincidence, he also hails from Australia just like Sandy (via ESPN).

He is also, just like Sandy, from the same ProKick Australia program. According to Sports Illustrated, the program was designed for Aussie players to transition fully from "Aussie rules" football to American rules football. One of this program's goals was to help Australian players get recruited by schools in the United States.

Before arriving in Illinois, Robertson was a seven-year veteran of the Victoria police department in his home country. He also spent time in the Australian Army.

#2 - Luke Larsen, ECU

A punter for East Carolina University, Luke Larsen is currently 31 years old. His tenure in college football is likely due to the same COVID-19 NCAA ruling and his decision to redshirt after already playing for three years (via 247Sports).

Because of this situation, Larsen is technically eligible to play college football until the age of 33.

#1 - Matt Ganyard, UVA

At 34, UVA kicker Matt Ganyard is currently the oldest active D1 college football player this season, according to UVAToday. The father of two is currently enrolled in the UVA Darden School of Business, after having earned his degree from the same university way back in 2011.

He tried out for the team during his undergraduate years but was cut in 2009. He then proceeded to serve time in the U.S. Marines as a helicopter pilot. After being discharged, he returned to Virginia to enroll in Darden, and things have picked up from there.

Ganyard has certainly been around, which makes him top this list.

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